The Program

Six months to Change your life
Give me Six months of your life

And I will change it forever

Our program is not for the faint of heart. We only work with individuals that have the courage and determination needed to overcome obstacles and revolutionize their health. It takes work and perseverance, and we will be with you every step of the way.

It only takes six short months. By the end, you’ll be a new person, and you’ll be in control of your own health again. We guarantee it. In fact, if you aren’t satisfied with your results—we’ll give you six more months, free of charge.

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I tried all kinds of treatments, but thought I would never get my full vitality back. Until Dr. James and his program gave me healing beyond what I thought was possible. I feel like a brand new person.


We come to you

an On-Site Health Retreat for One

Imagine all of the benefits of a traditional health retreat, but delivered in the comfort of your own space or one of our luxurious partner locations, and offered on-demand to meet your busy schedule. Once a month, for two days at a time, you have the golden opportunity to fully immerse yourself in your healing, and step away from your many stressors.

But everyone knows the issues that come with a traditional retreat. You might leave feeling great, but how long does the feeling last? And it might have been easy to practice stress-free living and mindfulness while in Bali, but everything just goes right back to normal when you return. Our six-month program is carefully constructed to produce optimal, lasting results. Our methodical schedule of repeated intensives is designed to cement the positive changes and reduce regression. Further, unlike a traditional retreat, you receive our total support in the time between intensives—ongoing herbal medicine, dietary therapy, therapeutic exercises, and more.

And because you learned and practiced these tools and strategies while living your real life, you can be certain that you have the skills and the knowledge to use them confidently for the rest of your life. This is not a one-off feel-good experience—this is an investment for the rest of your life.

Customized to You

A complete Solution

Why did we develop this program? Because we wanted to see patients get better. That simple.

Our program is designed to remove any and all obstacles to your healing and your success.

For six months, you will dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to your healing. And we will support you every step of the way.

Once every six weeks, you will have a personal two-day retreat. Dr. James will arrive at your chosen location, tools in hand, ready to facilitate your healing.

For two full days, we will focus on nothing but you and your health. The backbone of each day is your hands-on treatment time with Dr. James. For up to 4 hours each day, you will experience deep healing using his many powerful tools: acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, Chinese therapeutic bodywork, and more.

In between your time on the table, you will learn and practice therapeutic exercises and meditations with Dr. James. And each day has plenty of time for discussion. You can finally find the answers to all of your questions about your body and your health.

After each intensive, you will receive your personalized treatment support package. Featuring all of the home therapies listed below (and more), the package is designed so that every single therapy is easy-to-use, and fits into your busy schedule.

And wherever you are, whatever you need, you will always have Dr. James in your back pocket. Whether by text, phone, e-mail, or video, you have access to his wisdom and expertise whenever you need it.


Acupuncture like you’ve never had it before. Rooted in the classics, refined by modern experience, and re-infused with the deeper meaning that was lost over the ages.

Highly effective, Pain-free, with immediate results

Herbal Medicine

Backed by thousands of years of tradition. Confirmed by countless research studies. No two formulas are alike. Every one is profoundly effective. Leagues beyond what you’ve seen from other herbs and supplements.

Powerful medicine in an Easy-to-use Format

Craniosacral Therapy

Hands-on work that bypasses your body’s defense mechanisms to get to the heart of the problem. Deeply relaxing, highly subtle, and very effective.

Light touch can move mountains

Somato-emotional Release

Specific techniques designed to release the trauma that underlies many physical, mental, and emotional illnesses. The body keeps the score, but it doesn’t have to forever.

A safe and supportive way to let go of Trauma

Dietary Therapy

Rooted in the rich theories of Chinese herbal medicine, we customize your diet to optimize your health. No cookie-cutter plans. You won’t find this information anywhere else.

A deeper understanding of food, rooted in Oral tradition

Therapeutic Exercises

Therapeutic exercises from the rich traditions of qigong and daoyin, incorporating modern anatomy and modern innovations. Systematically designed to break through plateaus and reinforce your health goals, for all types of conditions.

we teach you to care for yourself

Meditation & Mindfulness

Disease breeds in darkness. From Carl Jung to Huang Di, awareness is the cornerstone of healing and prevention. 

"the unexamined life is not worth living"

Ongoing Support

We are there with you every step of the way. Our exclusive service allows us to be available for you when you need us. No matter what.

Your personal physician
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in Our Elite Program For 2024

If you are serious about finding permanent relief from your chronic problems, and you only want to work with the best, then…