
the art of Medicine

Your Personal PHysician

Dr. James Mohebali

What does it feel like to have a doctor you can really trust? Someone that you know is always looking out for your best interest, no matter what?

You would know that the doctor isn’t just getting a kick-back from the pharmaceutical company. You would know that he’s not just trying to sell you supplements. You would know that every action he takes is moving you one step closer to your cure.

Both mainstream and alternative healthcare are in a pitiable state. Chronic disease is rampant. Rather than finding cures, doctors spend all their time trying to find solutions that reduce a symptom or two, or improve health in a non-specific way. They don’t treat the root of your disease.

Why? Because it’s bad for business to cure disease. So patients are called “incurable” and told to just live with their illness.

I began the study of alternative medicine because my wife was deemed “incurable” by mainstream medicine. What’s more, she was deemed “incurable” by alternative medicine. I wouldn’t take “no” for an answer, and I kept searching and, through incredible teachers & miraculous healers, she has completely recovered from her “incurable” disease.

I was a student at the time—so I knew I had a lot to learn. To this day, I’ve never stopped learning. I pursued those teachers, and sought out the best healers, and am on a never-ending quest to keep learning from the best.

Why? Because I want to be the doctor you can really trust. Because I want to bring deep healing and incredible results to you. I have no greater joy than to see your “incurable” disease finally cured.

Dr. James Mohebali


Dr. James Mohebali has the highest-level professional degree available in the field. He has over 500 hours of study with 88th-generation Daoist Priest, Jeffrey Yuen, from the Jade Purity tradition.

Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine,
Concentration in Integrative Health
Pacific College of Health and Science

Master's in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Concentration in Ancient Chinese medicine and its Daoist roots
Daoist Traditions College

Bachelor's in History of Mathematics and Science,
St. John's College (NM)


Dr. James approach is 100% individualized—there are no one-size-fits-all solutions.

You are always viewed as a whole person. Genetic tests don't determine who you are. Diagnoses aren't viewed as permanent. And individual molecules are never more important than your lived experience.

He has a deep desire to understand, and to help you understand. If he can't explain it to you in a way that gives you a deeper understanding of yourself and why you're struggling, then he goes back to the drawing board.

He believes that, when a theory is true, then all of the pieces should fit together perfectly. There are no loose ends. Everything happens for a reason. Every part of you is important.

His goal? Dr. James wants to help you remember what life was like before. Before disease. Before trauma. Before suffering. He wants you to feel like a kid again—excited, radiant, and full of life and love.

"There are no words to express the gratitude I feel towards Dr. Mohebali. He has a healing gift."

Dot A.

"I was able to keep my gallbladder, even though I was told by a surgeon that it needed to be removed."

M. M.

"Getting a 'whole body opinion' from Dr. James would pay dividends. You would know so much more about your body and how to optimize it for your circumstances."

Joe m.